Studio Policies

All parents accept these policies upon registration:

Drop Off

Parents are required to stay with students until classes begin. The Art of Motion is not responsible for students left unattended.

Pick Up

Please pick up students promptly. For their safety, you must escort your child from the building to the car.


Disorderly behavior will not be tolerated. Dancers are not allowed to run, hang on the barres, or otherwise misuse equipment, both inside and outside the classroom.

Students are asked to be on time, dressed in proper attire, and remain in the lobby until class time.

Students in level 3 and 4 may wait in the dressing room until class time.

Email Communication

We take your privacy very seriously and will never share your information. That said, we communicate very important information via email and encourage you to stay subscribed to our monthly newsletter, etc.  If you unsubscribe, you will miss things like important dates and reminders, recital details, etc.


You can find the Master Calendar for the entire season in your Studio Info Kit and on our website. This includes performances, due dates for fees, holiday closings, and recital and rehearsal dates.


Tuition is collected on the 1st of the month via automatic draft.

Rates are based on an hourly schedule. As the number of hours a child spends in class increases, the amount of tuition paid per hour decreases. A discount will be given to immediate families with more than one child enrolled in classes by combining the amount of hours taken by each child into one family rate. 

Tuition will be the same amount every month August-May. It is based on the number of weeks in the dance season and not the number of weeks in each month.

There is a $15.00 late fee for tuition paid after the 10th of the month. Classes will be suspended on accounts that are more than 30 days past due.

The Art of Motion does not give credit and/or refunds for classes missed due to holiday, vacation, illness, weather, etc. Some months will have as few as two classes, and some may have up to five classes. Also, classes may be shortened during Recital Picture Week. Tuition prices and policies are set keeping all of these factors in mind.

Additional Fees

Registration fees are $45 per student or $65 per family with multiple students and are due upon enrollment in order to reserve your dancer's spot in class.

Registration fees are paid annually upon registration for our main season that runs August-May. There are no registration fees due for summer program enrollment.

Costume fees for the spring Recital are due in January and usually run from $65-$95.

Recital fees of $85 per dancer and $105 per family with multiple dancers enrolled are due in March. You can bring as many friends and family to the recital as you'd like for no additional charge!

Registration, costume, and recital fees are non-refundable.


If you need to drop a class, you must notify the front office in writing (email is preferable) before the 20th of the last month in which you want your dancer to attend. In the event that you miss the deadline, you will be charged tuition for the following month. Of course, your dancer may continue to take class during the next month in this case.

Summer Camp Withdrawal

Summer Camp tuition is refundable up to 14 days prior to the camp start date. Summer Camp tuition is non-refundable within 14 days of the camp start date.

Schedule Changes

We make every attempt to release our schedule as early as possible, so there is a chance that class times and teachers may change before the first day of classes. We will notify you ASAP if this is the case.

Classroom Behavior

For ages 7 and up, dancers will be expected to show kindness and respect to their teachers and classmates and demonstrate a reasonable, age-appropriate amount of focus. In the event that a dancer's behavior becomes disruptive to the class, they will be given three warnings before being dismissed. If dismissed, parents/guardians will then be notified and asked to pick up early.

For ages 2.5-6, behavior issues will be handled on a case-by-case bases and will always be addressed first via email or a conversation after class with the parent/guardian.

Our staff receives training in intrinsic motivation, non-violent communication, mindset skills, and coping skills. They will do everything they can to ensure dancers are getting the most out of class. However, repeated dismissals may result in a dancer being asked to leave the studio and try again next season.

Dress Code

Dress code specifics can be found on our website.

All students should have their hair pulled away from their faces and off of their necks. No jewelry.

Students who habitually show disregard for the dress code may be asked to leave class.

Inclement Weather

The Art of Motion follows Fayetteville Public Schools weather policies. If a weather event begins in the early afternoon/evening, we will notify parents of closings via email, text, and social media.

COVID-19 Tuition Provision

In the event of a temporary closure due to COVID-19 or a similar event, we will take our dance schedule online in the form of pre-recorded classes and Zoom classes. We agree to do our absolute best to offer the same high level of dance education that you have become accustomed to at The Art of Motion. You agree to pay no less than 80% of your tuition fees for the duration of the temporary closure. This will ensure we continue to keep our staff employed and provide a dance studio for NWA families to return to for years to come. Thank you in advance for your support!


Unless informed otherwise, The Art of Motion will consider photographs taken of The Art of Motion students to be permissible for publication in The Art of Motion informational publications, including the web and social media.

Happy Dancers and Parents